10-week program – Stella, New Hampshire

I have just had the most wonderful 10-week adventure with Eveline!  I have learned that I can find my emotions within my body and then I can I learn to relax and release those emotions into Mother Earth, and I can carry on with my day being empowered with the mantra that I chose, “Standing in my own power.” Eveline had a relaxing meditation and an interaction meditation in both we would go to my favorite Place. My grandmother’s Farm with the adjacent mint field. There I would relax, breathe, and become in touch with the power that my goddess has given me. During the relaxing meditation I felt as if the entire universe was embracing me in a HUG. During the interactive meditation I was given the sensation of being empowered! I practice martial arts and have “singing bowls.” Eveline used her crystal bowl and her voice to raise my vibration. Now when I perform my Katas or have my bowls sing, I can connect with my Guides effortlessly. I live in New Hampshire, USA. Through the technology of Zoom and the ethereal connection of the universe Eveline and I connected with our own Spiritual Guides along with Mother Earth… Healing has begun with a connection from across the World!

Thank you, Eveline, for guiding me through this experience, and teaching me that I CAN, “Stand in my own Power.”

Stella DiAnn.