10-week program – Shelley, Ottawa

I found that your voice was very relaxing- in the relaxation I felt your voice embodied the relaxation as your voice sounded relaxed and increasingly more relaxed as you guided me to relax. From the first session I felt at ease and trusted what you were guiding me towards. Your words and voice itself sounded … Lees meer

10-week program – Connie, Calgary

I found the sound healing sessions very interesting as have never experienced anything like it before.  My topic of self-care and healthy boundaries has definitely shifted from the first session to the last and I feel an internal calmness around this I never felt before.  I always find trying rate something on a scale of … Lees meer

10-weekse programma – Tamara, Venlo

Hoi Eveline Ik heb 10 sessie bij jou mogen ervaren. Ik had geen idee wat Sound Healing in hield. Maar na de 2 sessies was ik al blij verrast wat het met mij als persoon deed. Jouw begeleiding bracht me diep in ontspanning, en elke keer ging het sneller dat ik bij mijn afgesproken visueel … Lees meer